
Dear Criptomaniacs,

We’ve built a new play ground for your … Come quickly, there’s not much time left to be among the first who join and play this game. We call it TrafficLight.Finance -> it’s something that your eyes have never experienced (unless you’ve actually seen a traffic light before ;).

The entire idea is that you’ll have to plan your trading strategy around 3 trading phases: red, yellow and green.

When the traffic light on our site is green, there’s only a small burn (as our token, $TFL, is a deflationary one). The burn rate is variable and can be voted by the community.

When it’s red, the burn is doubled by a reward rate (which can also be voted by the community). The reward will accumulate in the wallet of the contract. The yellow is where all nice things happen.

When you trade on yellow, the receiving wallets will also receive a small portion from the wallet reward. The reward rate can also be voted by the community.

As you see, we’re actually letting you decide how this game evolves.

Don’t waste time, join our TG at https://t.me/trafficlight_defi, and our twitter at https://twitter.com/trafficlightfi1

Trade on Uniswap at https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x09403ecc36d1f59726361c282bc1fa76aa5d762f&outputCurrency=ETH and see how the coin evolves in real time at https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xd9f401bb7f4555e05c8aaff077c5748049865da6

